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משה שרת 86, קרית חיים
השתלה בזאלית
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Basal Implants


Basal Implants are an advanced implantology system which utilizes the basal portion of the jaw bones for the retention of the dental implants. Basal implants are made of Titanium metal, uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal (cortical) bone areas. The basal  bone area provides excellent bone quality for the retention of these unique and highly advanced implants.

The teeth are  usually situated in less dense bone portions of the jaw bones called the alveolar or crestal bone of the jaw. This less dense alveolar or crestal bone area gradually starts getting resorbed and recedes once the teeth are lost.  The bone which ultimately remains after regression of the alveolar bone following loss of teeth is the basal (Cortical) bone which lies below the alveolar bone. The basal bone is less prone to bone resorption and infections. It is highly dense, corticalized and offers excellent support to implants.

Basal implants are used either for teeth replacement or as an anchor for different types of removable dentures such as All in 4 and All in 6. However, the usual aim of the procedure is a fixed structure to replace as many as 12 teeth on each jaw. Basal implants are considered to be the best choice for individuals with moderate or severe atrophy of the jaw and can possibly avoid the need for bone augmentation.

With Basal implants, the final prosthesis (crown) is fixed on the titanium post within 24 hours, saving time and costs considerably. This procedure is called “Immediate Loading”. With Basal implants the need for a second surgery to fix the abutment and the need of interim/provisional dentures is totally eliminated.

Another major advantage of Basal implants is the fact that they can be successfully placed in smokers or diabetic patients, or in individuals with chronic or destructive periodontitis.

Basal implants are fast, safe and painless:

- Single piece implant system (screw and abutment in one)
- Minimally invasive and less traumatic
- Immediate loading (24 Hrs.)
- Avoidance of bone grafting
- Basal / Cortical strong bone support
- Good solution for unfavorable bone situations
- Extremely high success rate
- Virtually no incidence of infections or Peri-implantitis
- Affordable and cost effective

The Dental Implants & Aesthetics Center - Basal Implants
השתלת שיניים ביום אחד
העמסה מיידית

Same Day Implants


Same Day Implants help you replace your teeth in one day. If it is determined that you are an appropriate candidate for these procedures, replacement teeth ranging from a single tooth restoration to a full arch of teeth can be delivered on the same day as the dental implants are placed. These procedures can oftentimes be accomplished successfully even if your natural teeth have to be removed on the same day. After an initial consultation and examination, a dentist should use state of the art technology to plan your dental implant procedure, including the design of your replacement teeth. This technology enables dentists to place your implants, and fabricate and place your replacement teeth the same day! 

Advantages of Replacement Teeth in one day:

- Easy, safe and predictable
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Less or no time missed from busy life
- No healing time required prior to functioning
- Complete range of prosthetic possibilities

אסתטיקה דנטלית

Immediate Loading

Immediate load dental implants are implants that have teeth fixed to them within 24 to 48 hours of being inserted. This is different to normal procedure. Normally, a dental implant is allowed to heal on its own for 3 to 6 months before a tooth is fitted to it.

It is important to understand that immediate load dental implants can not be achieved the same as any other implants. For example, Basal Implants are perfect for immediate loading procedures (unlike regular implants)


Immediate loading has shortened the transitional period between implant placement and implant restoration considerably. Benefits for the patient include reduced overall treatment time, reduced number of visits to clinicians, comfort during the healing period and improved aesthetic and phonetic aspects.

ציפוי חרסינה

Dental Care

Basic dental care involves brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, seeing your dentist and/or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating a mouth-healthy diet, which means foods high in whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

The advantages to practicing basic dental care:

- Prevents tooth decay.
- Prevents gum (periodontal) disease, which can damage gum tissue and the bones that support teeth, and in the long term can lead to the loss of teeth.
- Shortens time with the dentist and dental hygienist, and makes the trip more pleasant.
- Saves money. By preventing tooth decay and gum disease, you can reduce the need for fillings and other costly procedures.
- Helps prevent bad breath. Brushing and flossing rid your mouth of the bacteria that cause bad breath.
- Helps keep teeth white by preventing staining from food, drinks, and tobacco.
- Improves overall health.
- Makes it possible for your teeth to last a lifetime.

How to keep your teeth healthy:

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires good nutrition and regular brushing and flossing.

Brush your teeth twice a day-in the morning and before bed, and floss once a day. This removes plaque, which can lead to damaged teeth, gums, and surrounding bone. Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. Ask your dentist if you need a mouthwash that contains fluoride or one with ingredients that fight plaque. Look for toothpastes that have been approved by the American Dental Association. Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar. Sugar helps plaque grow. Avoid using tobacco products, which can cause gum disease and oral cancer. Exposure to tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) also may cause gum disease as well as other health problems. Practice tongue cleaning. You can use a tongue cleaner or a soft-bristle toothbrush, stroking in a back-to-front direction. Tongue cleaning is particularly important for people who smoke or whose tongues are coated or deeply grooved. Schedule regular trips to the dentist based on how often you need exams and cleaning.

כתר זירקוניה

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth, changing their color, shape, size, or length.

Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and better mimic the light reflecting properties of natural teeth. You will need to discuss the best choice of veneer material for you with your dentist.

Veneers are routinely used to fix:

Discolored teeth - either because of root canal treatment, stains from tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride or other causes, or the presence of large resin fillings that have discolored the tooth
Worn down teeth
Chipped or broken teeth
Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped (for example, have craters or bulges in them)
Teeth with gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth)

Veneers offer the following advantages:

- They provide a natural tooth appearance.
- Gum tissue tolerates porcelain well.
- Porcelain veneers are stain resistant.
- The color of a porcelain veneer can be selected such that it makes dark teeth appear whiter.
- Veneers offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth's color and shape

- Veneers generally don't require the extensive shaping prior to the procedure that crowns do, yet offer a stronger, more aesthetic alternative.

Zirconia Crowns

A zirconia crown is a popular type of all-ceramic crown, which is worn to improve the appearance of a tooth which has become stained or disfigured over the years. They are durable, easy to wear and long lasting.

Zirconia crowns have a translucent appearance which means that they are indistinguishable from your own teeth. It is hard to spot a zirconia crown amongst natural teeth. This type of crown is made from zirconia, a very strong material which is compatible with the human body. Zirconia is used in many other medical applications such as artificial joints and is known for its strength and durability. Zirconia is a type of crystal which is long lasting and indestructible. 

There is no fear from the body rejecting zirconia or displaying an allergic reaction to it. It is safe to use and preferred by many people to porcelain fused to metal crowns.

There are three advantages to zirconia crowns:

Strength: zirconia crowns last longer than other types of crowns.
Aesthetics: these crowns have an attractive translucent colour which blends in well with the other teeth.
Retain more of the existing tooth: minimal preparation is required which means more of the original tooth is preserved. This is useful if the crown needs to be removed.

Zirconia crowns are a good choice if you are looking for a strong, long lasting and visually appealing crowns. They are ideal at covering signs of damage or staining, as well as helping to maintain the function of the tooth.

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